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Shamayim: Jewish Animal Advocacy

Sep 16, 2020

An interview with Rabbi Dr. Ariel Evan Mayse. Rabbi Mayse is an assistant professor of Religion at Stanford University, and is a leading voice of the Neo-Hasidic movement. We discuss Neo-Hasidism and it's similarities and differences to traditional Hasidism, including it's approaches to Halakha. When limited to the...

Aug 12, 2020

An interview with Rabbi David Rosen, former Chief Rabbi of Ireland & head of the AJC's Department of Interreligious Affairs. Rabbi Rosen is an outspoken critic of animal consumption, a leading Orthodox voice in this matter. We discuss his rabbinic argument that questions the kashrut of any factory farmed animal...

Apr 30, 2020

An interview with Connie Spence, founder of the Agriculture Fairness Alliance and the Vegan Justice League, a bipartisan lobbying group focused on opposing the corrupt governmental policies that allow the mega corporations that run factory farms to line their pockets with taxpayer money - while they exploit both animals...

Apr 21, 2020

A second interview with author and friend of Shamayim, Kenden Alfond, to discuss her newly released plant-based cookbook "Feeding the Women of the Bible, Feeding Ourselves: A Jewish Food Hero Cookbook". The cookbook features a short compelling narrative of 20 female biblical heroines from the Hebrew bible, paired with...

Apr 17, 2020

A D'var Torah for Parashat Shemini. In this week’s parsha, the Torah outlines which animals are permitted and forbidden from being eaten by the Israelites, concluded with a Divine statement that "You shall be holy, for I am holy." We explore that, despite the reluctant permissions of certain animals to be eaten, this...